All, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Adoption Doulas

Click on a name to learn more about that doula.  Doulas with an asterisk before their name (*) have also purchased the Adoption Doula Handbook, an extremely helpful resource filled with information, tips and resources for the adoption doula. (*) Rachel Pugh – website Kat Schuknecht

All, Wyoming

Wyoming Adoption Doulas

Click on a name to learn more about that doula.  Doulas with an asterisk before their name (*) have also purchased the Adoption Doula Handbook, an extremely helpful resource filled with information, tips and resources for the adoption doula. (*) Julianne Curtis, SBD

1.Main, All

What is an Adoption Doula?

Doulas are trained professionals experienced in providing support through pregnancy, birth, and the early postpartum transition for new families. Doulas specializing in newborn adoption support seek to work in conjunction with every member of the adoption team, and lend their expertise to help ensure a smooth transition for the birth mother, the baby, and the adopting… Read More What is an Adoption Doula?

Adoption Doulas Africa

Adoption Doulas Africa

Click on a name to learn more about that doula.  Doulas with an asterisk before their name (*) have also purchased the Adoption Doula Handbook, an extremely helpful resource filled with information, tips and resources for the adoption doula.   (*) Nicci Coertze-Kruger, SBD (*) Samala Kriedemann, SBD

Adoption Doulas Belgium

Adoption Doulas Belgium

Click on a name to learn more about that doula.  Doulas with an asterisk before their name (*) have also purchased the Adoption Doula Handbook, an extremely helpful resource filled with information, tips and resources for the adoption doula.   (*) Els Debarbieux, SBD


Adoption Doulas Global

You can reach doulas who serve families in the transition of fostering or adoption based on location.  Here is a resource for those doulas both in and out of the United States. US Africa Canada